

The 怀安多特县卫生联盟 consists of a collaboration of sectors of the community including, 但不限于, 当地政府, 企业, 非营利组织, 社区基金会, 和慈善家, 志愿组织, 卫生保健提供者, 还有当地的卫生部门. Strong relationships between resourceful partners sustain the 怀安多特县卫生联盟.


The 怀安多特县卫生联盟 is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our community.

我们合作完成一个 社区健康评估(CHA) 通过收集和分析数据, 包括定性和定量数据, 然后从数据中得出结论. 通过这一协作过程,我们将确定服务方面的差距, 未满足的需求并评估保健服务的可得性. 我们将确定并重点关注重点领域. 我们将使用数据和战略规划过程来创建一个 社区健康改善计划(CHIP).


Mobilizing partnerships to improve community wellness and quality of life.




通过伙伴关系和规划(MAPP)进程动员行动, which is a nationally adopted framework developed by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). MAPP is a community-driven planning process for improving community health and is flexible in its implementation, meaning that the process does not need to be completed in a specific order. 这个过程包括以下六个阶段:

  1. 为成功和伙伴关系发展而组织
  2. 展望
  3. 四项评估
  4. 确定战略问题
  5. 制定目标和策略
  6. 动作循环


We recognize our Wyandot County Health Improvement Plan priorities should align with state and national priorities.


In November 1998, a Wyandot County health assessment was provided by Tiffin University. Laying this foundation of recorded health perceptions led to the formation of the 怀安多特县卫生联盟 in August 2002. In 2003 the 怀安多特县卫生联盟 initiated the most comprehensive, 全国性, standardized community needs assessment ever conducted for Wyandot County. Funding barriers were identified and minimized, and execution of the assessment began. We contracted with The Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio to facilitate our 社区健康评估(CHA) and our 社区健康改善计划(CHIP). They have been facilitating the strategic planning for our partners every three years.


  1. 我们把函数定义为一个协调函数, cohesive and enduring community partnership making informed choices based upon data driven majority decisions.
  2. 我们审查数据, 分析, 总结, and distribute analytical public health findings to community partners and the general public. (1.3.1, 1.3.2)
  3. We solicit input from the target audience (residents of Wyandot County). (
  4. We provide reports of analysis of data from various partnerships that identify and describe gaps in access & 获得保健服务的障碍(7).1.3)
  5. 我们邀请公众参与策略规划过程.
  6. We will issue invoices to membership once a year to offset the three-year cost of the 社区健康评估, 战略规划, 以及社区健康改善计划.
  7. 我们将在可用资金范围内开展工作.
  8. We will provide reports of analysis of data from various partnerships that identify and describe gaps in access and barriers to health care services. (7.1.3)
  9. We will provide the data and conclusions to the public and ask for their feedback prior to printing and publishing the booklets. (1.1.3) (
  10. The Health Alliance will communicate with and educate the community through marketing techniques and strategies developed by its membership.
  11. We intend to take into consideration the cause of differences in the quality of health and healthcare for Wyandot citizens, 考虑卫生公平,促进获得保健服务.


  1. 动员社区伙伴改善社区.
  2. Formulate and/or monitor survey questions for benchmarking and relevance to health needs.
  3. 调查和收集数据,将其转化为可用的格式.
  4. Analyze data collection methodology for Internal Review 董事会 (IRB) processes.
  5. Share data through marketing techniques designed to educate the public.
  6. Incorporate the CHA and CHIP information, plans, and goals into our 战略计划.
  7. Utilize the National Association of City County Health Officials (NACCHO) strategic planning process tool, Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) throughout our processes.
  8. 使用数据, establish priority indicators and priority outcomes to determine program effectiveness and to help garner funds for community services and/or program changes as needed.
  9. Utilize and attend special workgroup meetings as designated necessary by the membership.
  10. Monitor the status of efforts and results of actions identified in the 社区健康改善计划 through reporting at quarterly meetings, 必要时参加小组委员会会议.
  11. Recognize the CHIP Progress Notes as “our living document” in which we identify changes and progress.
  12. Change strategies in the 社区健康改善计划 as necessary.
  13. Write and approve a CHIP annual progress report giving status of efforts and feasibility of continuing a program.


  1. Wyandot County Community Health Status Assessment Booklet (and thumb drives).
  2. 我们的战略规划过程和方法的文件.
  3. Documentation of our 社区健康改善计划(CHIP) specific to Wyandot County.
  4. 持续CHIP评估过程的文件.
  5. 会议纪要文件.
  6. 会议成员文件.
  7. 每年征求会员.
  8. 怀安多特县的综合标准化卫生数据.
  9. Comprehensive resource directory and database specific to Wyandot County.
  10. 成员协议备忘录
  11. 自愿会费及财务往来证明文件.
  12. Documentation of funding garnered by membership through assessment statistics.


Meeting frequency shall be quarterly for community health improvement plan updates and more often as needed to complete strategic planning processes, 检查数据, 制定社区计划. 健康联盟会议日期可通过点击找到 在这里.

主席: Krystina Auble,怀恩多特县公共卫生部


  • 凯里豁免村学区
  • 家庭及儿童第一议会
  • 火地咨询和康复服务
  • 第一公民国家银行
  • 梧桐第一国民银行
  • 社区行动委员会
  • 怀安多特县临终关怀医院
  • 精神健康和康复服务局征费基金
  • 莫霍克当地学区
  • 门户开放资源中心
  • 俄亥俄州立大学扩展
  • 总理银行
  • 联合教会之家(费尔黑文)
  • 怀安多特县联合劝募会
  • 上桑达斯基豁免村学区
  • 上桑达斯基扶轮社
  • 怀安多特县发展障碍委员会
  • 怀安多特县商会
  • 怀安多特县委员
  • 怀安多特县工作和家庭服务部
  • 怀安多特县经济发展办公室
  • 怀安多特县公共卫生部
  • Wyandot预防联盟
  • 怀安多特县检察官
  • 怀安多特县安全社区补助金
  • 怀安多特县专业护理与康复
  • 怀恩多纪念医院
怀安多特县公共卫生部 is nationally accredited through the Public Health 认证 董事会 (PHAB). 成立于2007年, PHAB is the non-profit organization that administers the national accreditation program, which aims to advance and transform public health practice by championing performance improvement, 强大的基础设施, 和创新.
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